Why you’re scared of outsourcing to the Philippines, and how to get over your fears

Outsourcing to the Philippines can evoke a mix of emotions in business owners, from fear to skepticism, primarily due to misinformation and cultural differences. However, when approached with the right knowledge and strategies, outsourcing can lead to significant cost savings, efficiency, and growth. This article aims to demystify the fears associated with outsourcing to the Philippines and provides actionable insights on how to embrace it as a powerful business tool.

Key Takeaways for Overcoming Your Fears

  • Understanding the root of outsourcing fears is crucial; lack of credible information and cultural misconceptions often drive hesitancy.

  • Outsourcing to the Philippines offers economic benefits such as 70% to 90% savings on overhead and salaries, without sacrificing quality.

  • Effective communication and an understanding of Filipino work culture are key to successful collaboration with outsourced teams.

  • Outsourcing should be viewed as an extension of recruitment, with careful selection and alignment of the outsourced partner with company goals.

  • Addressing downsides through careful planning and supervision can enhance the relationship with Filipino teams and mitigate potential issues.

Understanding the Fear of Outsourcing

A globe

The Misinformation Dilemma

You might be hesitant to outsource to the Philippines due to a lack of credible information. Misleading articles and biased opinions have painted a grim picture of outsourcing, causing unnecessary fear. It’s crucial to bridge the knowledge gap to understand the true potential of outsourcing, which can lead to significant cost savings and innovation.

  • Misinformation and biased views

  • The need for credible, balanced information

  • Potential benefits of outsourcing

Cultural and Communication Barriers

Navigating cultural differences and communication hurdles can be daunting. However, understanding and respecting the Filipino culture can lead to a harmonious working relationship. Embrace the opportunity to learn and adapt to new communication styles to ensure a smooth collaboration.

  • Understanding cultural nuances

  • Adapting to new communication styles

  • Building harmonious working relationships

The Fear of Losing Control

Outsourcing may feel like you’re relinquishing control over your business processes. But with the right approach, it can be an extension of your team. Establish clear guidelines, maintain open lines of communication, and set measurable goals to retain control while benefiting from outsourcing.

  • Establishing clear guidelines

  • Maintaining open communication

  • Setting measurable goals for success

Embracing outsourcing requires a shift in mindset. It’s not about losing control but expanding your capabilities and resources in a cost-effective way.

The Economic Logic Behind Outsourcing to the Philippines

A set of hot desks

Cost Savings and Efficiency

Outsourcing to the Philippines is not just a strategic choice, it’s an economic imperative for businesses seeking to maximize efficiency. The cost benefits are clear, with companies reporting savings of 70% to 90% compared to hiring locally. Here’s a quick look at potential savings:

Local Employee Cost

Outsourced Employee Cost


$10,000 – $30,000/yr

  • Significant reduction in labor costs

  • Minimized overhead for office space and equipment

  • Streamlined operations with a focus on core business functions

Quality of Work and Expertise

The Filipino workforce is renowned for its high level of expertise and commitment to quality. With a strong emphasis on education and a robust pool of skilled professionals, you can expect work that meets, if not exceeds, your standards. The Philippines has become a top outsourcing destination for a reason.

  • Access to a large talent pool

  • High-quality output from dedicated professionals

  • Expertise across various industries

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, so does the need for a flexible and scalable workforce. Outsourcing to the Philippines allows you to adjust your team size quickly and efficiently, responding to business demands without the constraints of local hiring processes.

  • Easy scaling up or down to match business needs

  • Quick adaptation to market changes

  • Seamless integration of outsourced staff into business operations

By embracing outsourcing as a strategic economic move, you’re positioning your business for growth and sustainability in a competitive global market.

Navigating International Outsourcing Concerns

A birds eye view of a city

Dealing with International Business Laws

Outsourcing to the Philippines might seem daunting due to the complexities of international business laws. However, it’s not all that different from recruitment. The key is to understand the regulations that apply to both your country and the Philippines. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Legal Structure: Familiarize yourself with the business entities in the Philippines and how they align with your operations.

  • Contracts: Ensure clear and enforceable contracts that comply with both jurisdictions.

  • Taxation: Be aware of tax obligations in the Philippines and how they affect your financial planning.

Building Trust with Remote Teams

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful outsourcing partnership. To bridge the gap, consider these steps:

  1. Regular communication to establish rapport.

  2. Transparent processes and expectations.

  3. Shared goals and objectives to foster a sense of partnership.

Building trust with your Filipino team will dispel the fear and uncertainties that often accompany outsourcing decisions.

Ensuring Data Privacy & Security

The concern for data security and privacy is paramount. Outsourcing work to another country could introduce security risks, but with the right measures, these can be mitigated. Implement the following:

  • Comprehensive NDAs and privacy agreements.

  • Strict data handling and storage protocols.

  • Regular security audits and compliance checks.

By addressing these international outsourcing concerns head-on, you’re paving the way for a more secure and fruitful collaboration.

Communication Strategies for Successful Collaboration

Effective collaboration with your outsourced team in the Philippines hinges on robust communication strategies. You’ll need to adapt to language and time zone differences to ensure a smooth workflow. Here’s how you can establish a strong foundation for communication:

Overcoming Language and Time Zone Differences

  • Use the right tools and create processes to facilitate communication across different time zones.

  • Establish everyone’s preferred work hours to respect work-life boundaries.

  • Make asynchronous communication the norm, reserving synchronous communication for essential team-building.

Effective Use of Technology

  • Foster a culture of well-written communication, providing access to information for all team members.

  • Limit meetings to when they’re truly necessary, sending information in advance.

  • Default to asynchronous communication, setting clear expectations for working autonomously.

Building a Culture of Openness

It’s crucial to encourage open dialogue and transparency within your team. This fosters trust and ensures that everyone is on the same page, which is especially important when working across cultural and geographical divides.

  • Schedule occasional face-to-face time for one-on-ones and creative collaboration.

  • Offer co-working and conference stipends to keep your team connected to their community.

  • Celebrate successes and address challenges openly to reinforce company culture and team cohesion.

The Realities of Working with a Filipino Outsourced Team

Selecting the Right Outsourcing Partner

When you’re looking to extend your recruitment strategy through outsourcing, selecting the right partner is crucial. Identify a partner whose values and goals align with your own to ensure a harmonious working relationship. Consider their track record, client testimonials, and the range of services they offer. Here’s a simple checklist to help you evaluate potential partners:

  • Reputation and reliability

  • Compatibility with your business culture

  • Range of services and expertise

  • Client feedback and case studies

Aligning Outsourced Services with Company Goals

To enhance sales efficiency, it’s crucial to identify the factors that contribute to inefficiency within the team. These factors often stem from both internal processes and external pressures. For instance, sales professionals may struggle with the ever-changing dynamics of the sales funnel, which can lead to a lack of focus on key sales activities.

Your outsourced services should be a seamless extension of your company’s objectives. Clearly define your goals and communicate them to your outsourcing partner to ensure that their services contribute effectively to your business strategy. Use the table below to match your company goals with the services offered by the outsourcing firm:

Company Goal

Outsourcing Service

Cost reduction

Customer support


Software development

Market expansion

Multilingual support

Maintaining Quality and Brand Consistency

Maintaining the quality of your products or services and the consistency of your brand is non-negotiable, even when outsourcing. Establish clear guidelines and quality benchmarks with your outsourcing partner. Regularly review performance metrics and provide feedback to ensure that the outsourced team upholds your brand’s reputation.

Remember, outsourcing is not just about cutting costs; it’s about enhancing your business capabilities while maintaining the essence of your brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common fears associated with outsourcing to the Philippines?

Common fears include concerns over cultural and communication barriers, loss of control over business processes, and misinformation about the outsourcing industry. Some companies also worry about the quality of work and the ability to manage remote teams effectively.

How can businesses overcome the fear of losing control when outsourcing?

Businesses can overcome this fear by carefully selecting a reliable outsourcing partner with a proven track record, establishing clear communication channels, and setting up robust management and reporting systems to maintain oversight of outsourced operations.

What economic benefits can outsourcing to the Philippines provide?

Outsourcing to the Philippines can offer significant cost savings of up to 70-90% on overhead and salary expenses, access to a skilled workforce, and the flexibility to scale operations up or down as needed.

How can companies ensure data security and privacy when outsourcing?

Companies should partner with outsourcing providers that have strong data security measures in place, including compliance with international standards, regular security audits, and confidentiality agreements to protect sensitive information.

What are some strategies for effective communication with a Filipino outsourced team?

Effective communication strategies include acknowledging time zone differences and scheduling meetings accordingly, using collaborative technology tools, and fostering a culture of openness and regular feedback to bridge any cultural gaps.

How can businesses align outsourced services with their company goals?

Businesses can align outsourced services with their goals by clearly defining project objectives, selecting outsourcing partners that specialize in the required services, and regularly reviewing performance metrics to ensure alignment with the company’s strategic direction.

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