The best way to manage virtual teams across time zones

Managing virtual teams across various time zones presents unique challenges, from coordinating meeting times to fostering team cohesion. Despite these difficulties, understanding the dynamics of remote collaboration can lead to a harmonious and productive work environment. This article will explore the best practices for effectively managing virtual teams, ensuring that every member, regardless of their location, feels included and valued.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the complexities of global time zones to schedule meetings inclusively.

  • Adopt both synchronous and asynchronous communication methods to bridge the time gap.

  • Maintain time zone etiquette to respect each team member’s working hours and personal time.

  • Know your remote team’s schedules to optimize project planning and task distribution.

  • Invest in building strong relationships to create a cohesive team atmosphere across distances.

1. Understanding Time Zones

Five people meeting virtually

Understanding time zones is crucial when managing virtual teams. Time zones are geographical areas where local times are determined by the position of the sun. The concept was established to provide a standardized timekeeping system across different regions.

Why Do Time Zones Exist?

Time zones were created in the nineteenth century to unify global time tracking, ensuring that everyone has similar daylight hours at the same time.

Time Zone Etiquette

Being mindful of your teammates’ time zones is essential. Avoid scheduling meetings during their off-hours whenever possible, and always check if it’s okay when unavoidable.

UTC Time

UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time, is a time standard that does not observe daylight saving time, making it a constant reference for international coordination.

Greenwich Mean Time

GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time, is the time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, and serves as an international reference point.

How Do I Know What Time Zone Someone's In?

Use online tools or directly communicate with your colleagues to determine their time zones and find overlapping work hours.

Daylight Saving Time

Be aware of daylight saving time changes, as they can affect scheduling and the synchronization of team activities.

To effectively manage a team across multiple time zones, it’s important to use time overlaps for conference calls and joint team assignments. Plan these interactions in advance and prioritize clear communication. Utilize project management tools to stay organized and ensure strategic communication. Remember, the effort you put into understanding and respecting time zones will foster a more cohesive and productive virtual team.

2. Scheduling Meetings for Global Attendance

An empty conference room

When managing virtual teams, scheduling meetings for global attendance is a critical task. It’s relatively straightforward for teams across neighboring time zones, but with a global workforce, you need to be strategic. For instance, coordinating between someone in Australia and another in the United States requires flexibility, possibly having the Australian team member start their day early.

To ensure everyone can attend, consider these steps:

  1. Identify the time zones of all team members.

  2. Look for overlapping working hours that suit everyone.

  3. Use scheduling tools that display multiple time zones.

  4. Confirm with each team member before finalizing the meeting time.

Be mindful of your teammates’ time zones and strive to schedule meetings during common working hours to facilitate full participation.

Remember, while it’s important to find a time that works for all, sometimes compromises are necessary. If you must schedule a meeting during someone’s off-hours, always ask for their consent first. Here’s a simple table to help you visualize overlapping hours between different time zones:

Time Zone 1

Time Zone 2

Overlapping Hours


New York

11 PM – 2 AM (NY)



9 AM – 11 AM (LDN)

By adopting these practices, you’ll foster a more inclusive and collaborative environment for your virtual team.

3. Mastering Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication

Five people having a meeting

When you’re part of a virtual team, understanding the differences between synchronous (sync) and asynchronous (async) communication is crucial. Sync communication occurs in real-time, like phone calls or video chats, allowing for immediate responses. In contrast, async communication involves a delay, such as emails or recorded video messages, allowing team members to respond at their convenience.

  • Synchronous Communication: Immediate interaction through phone, video conferencing, or instant messaging.

  • Asynchronous Communication: Delayed interaction through emails, recorded videos, or online chats.

Embrace asynchronous communication to maximize the efficiency of your distributed team. It’s the backbone of successful remote collaboration.

By mastering both types of communication, you can ensure that your team collaborates effectively, regardless of time zone differences. Utilize video conferencing tools for engaging meetings and prioritize high-impact activities. Here’s a simple guide to help you decide when to use each method:

Communication Type

When to Use


Urgent discussions, immediate feedback, real-time collaboration


Non-urgent updates, flexible scheduling, detailed explanations

Remember, the key to managing virtual teams across time zones is to use async communication as much as possible. This approach respects individual schedules and promotes productivity.

4. Time Zone Etiquette

Five cartoonish people

When you’re managing virtual teams, being mindful of your teammates’ time zones is crucial. It’s essential to avoid scheduling meetings when you know not everyone will be awake. However, if you must schedule during off-hours, always check to ensure it’s acceptable for all involved.

To avoid common mistakes, such as assuming everyone is in your time zone, always confirm the time zones of your team members before setting up meetings or calls. This simple step can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Always ask for and double-check your team members’ local times before scheduling.

  • If urgent matters arise, consider a phone call instead of an email to resolve issues quickly.

  • Plan and organize team activities with everyone’s time zones in mind to facilitate global attendance.

Remember, effective time zone management is about respect and consideration for your team’s personal and professional time.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can foster a respectful and productive virtual team environment.

5. Knowing Your Remote Team's Working Hours

Twelve people meeting virtually

Understanding your remote team’s working hours is crucial for effective collaboration. Encourage team members to share their preferred working hours and respect their work-life boundaries. This approach fosters a more inclusive and productive environment.

Here’s how you can keep track of everyone’s availability:

  • Ask each team member to provide their working hours.

  • Use tools like shared calendars to visualize overlaps in availability.

  • Consider time zone converters to schedule meetings accurately.

  • Implement modern rotation scheduling solutions, like Rootly On-Call, to organize team rotations.

Be mindful when scheduling meetings to ensure all colleagues can attend without compromising their personal time.

Remember, it’s not all 9-5 anymore. Some team members may start early, while others work late into the evening. By being aware of these differences, you can schedule team meetings at optimal times for everyone involved.

6. Treating Your Team as if Together in One Location

Three cartoonish people having a meeting

To work more efficiently with distributed teams, you need to treat your team like they are all working together in one office building. While this may not be physically possible, it is the mindset you need to adopt to organize your time and responsibilities. Here are some steps to help you achieve this:

  • Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations for everyone.

  • Ensure each team member has a private space with minimal distractions.

  • Encourage collaboration by having nearby colleagues share a workspace if feasible.

  • Be open-minded and flexible, fostering a culture of trust.

Remember, the goal is to create an environment where distance is not a barrier to effective teamwork.

When scheduling meetings, aim for times that are convenient for all team members. This may require some compromise, but it is crucial for maintaining team unity and productivity. Below is an example of how you might structure meeting times across different time zones:

Time Zone

Early Meeting

Late Meeting


9 AM

5 PM


3 PM

11 PM


6:30 PM

2:30 AM

By being mindful of everyone’s working hours and scheduling meetings accordingly, you can minimize disruptions and ensure that all team members can contribute meaningfully.

7. Being Mindful When Scheduling Meetings

Multiple people having a virtual meeting

When coordinating virtual teams, scheduling meetings thoughtfully is crucial. You want to ensure that all team members can attend without the inconvenience of odd hours. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Identify the time zones of all team members.

  • Propose multiple meeting times and use a poll to decide the most suitable one.

  • Schedule recurring meetings well in advance.

  • Rotate meeting times occasionally to share the inconvenience fairly among team members.

Remember, the goal is to facilitate clear communication and collaboration without causing undue stress or fatigue.

By being considerate of each team member’s local time, you can reduce inefficient meeting times and foster a more inclusive environment. This approach not only respects everyone’s working hours but also aligns processes within your team for better productivity.

Here’s an example of how you might structure a meeting schedule for a team spread across three time zones:

Time Zone

Early Meeting

Late Meeting


9 AM

5 PM


3 PM

11 PM


7:30 PM

3:30 AM

This table demonstrates a balanced approach, ensuring that no single time zone is always subject to early or late meetings. Celebrating team wins and optimizing onboarding can also be scheduled during these times to enhance team morale and efficiency.

8. Avoiding Common Mistakes with Dispersed Teams

Two cartoonish people having a meeting

When managing virtual teams, it’s crucial to sidestep pitfalls that can hinder productivity and team cohesion. Avoid assuming everyone is in your time zone; always verify their local time before scheduling meetings. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them:

  • Wrong Time Zone: Always ask for and confirm team members’ time zones.

  • Micromanagement: Trust your team’s ability to manage their time and tasks.

  • Lack of Structure: Implement clear processes and communication protocols.

  • Poor Communication: Encourage regular updates and check-ins.

  • Inadequate Collaboration Spaces: Ensure each member has a private, distraction-free workspace.

Remember, treating your team as if they are all in one location, even when they’re not, fosters a unified approach to work.

By being mindful of these aspects, you can overcome challenges like poor communication and reduced productivity. Use this guidance to build strong relationships and a disciplined, structured team environment.

9. Pros and Cons of Different Time Zones

Cartoonish people having a meeting

Working with teams across various time zones can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, time and place freedom can significantly boost productivity. Remote workers often demonstrate higher productivity levels compared to their in-office peers, debunking the myth of the ‘lazy remote worker’.

However, this flexibility comes with its own set of challenges. Communication delays and friction are more prevalent when team members are spread across the globe. It’s crucial to be aware of everyone’s working hours and to schedule meetings during times that are reasonable for all involved.


  • Time and place freedom

  • Potential for increased productivity


  • Increased communication delays

  • Scheduling challenges

When you’re managing a virtual team, understanding and respecting each member’s time zone is essential for maintaining a harmonious and efficient work environment.

Here’s a quick reference to help you gauge the potential overlap in working hours for a globally dispersed team:


Start Time

End Time

New York

9 AM

5 PM


2 PM

10 PM


11 PM

7 AM

Remember, while technology can help bridge the gap with tools like personalized bulk email campaigns, the key to success lies in prioritizing high-value tasks and eliminating time wasters.

10. Building Strong Relationships Across Time Zones

Four people having a meeting

Building strong relationships with your remote team across different time zones is crucial for a harmonious and productive work environment. Trust and reliability are the cornerstones of any successful team, and this is especially true for virtual teams. To foster trust, you must consistently meet deadlines and complete tasks, demonstrating your commitment to the team’s success.

  • Understand the impact of time zones on work

  • Treat your team as if you’re all in one location

  • Overcome language barriers and cultural differences

  • Master synchronous and asynchronous communication

  • Avoid unproductive meetings

To work effectively with a remote team, you’ll need to put in the effort and build strong relationships across time zones.

By adopting these practices, you’ll navigate the complexities of working with a global team and create a cohesive and supportive remote work environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I schedule meetings for global teams across different time zones?

To schedule meetings for global teams, find overlapping working hours that suit all team members. If you have team members in Australia and the United States, for example, you might need to schedule a meeting during the Australian’s early morning or the American’s late evening to find a compromise.

What are the best practices for managing synchronous vs. asynchronous communication?

Best practices include understanding when real-time communication is necessary and when tasks can be completed independently. Use synchronous communication for urgent matters or discussions that require immediate feedback, and asynchronous methods like email or project management tools for less time-sensitive issues.

What is time zone etiquette when working with virtual teams?

Time zone etiquette involves being considerate of team members’ local times by not scheduling meetings during their night hours unless necessary. If you must schedule outside normal hours, seek consent first. Always confirm time zones before setting up meetings to avoid confusion.

How can I know my remote team's working hours?

To know your remote team’s working hours, ask each member to share their preferred working times and time zone information. Use tools like shared calendars or time zone conversion apps to keep track of everyone’s availability and schedule accordingly.

Why is it important to treat a virtual team as if they're together in one location?

Treating a virtual team as if they’re together in one location fosters unity and collaboration. It encourages a shared mindset for organizing time and responsibilities, which can lead to more efficient workflows and stronger team cohesion despite the geographical distances.

What are some common mistakes when working with dispersed teams and how can I avoid them?

Common mistakes include assuming everyone is in the same time zone, over-relying on email, and not accounting for cultural differences. Avoid these by always confirming time zones, using a mix of communication methods, and being culturally sensitive.

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