Top 5 mistakes to avoid when outsourcing to the Philippines

Outsourcing to the Philippines has become a common strategy for businesses seeking cost-effective solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, and other services. However, this practice is not without its pitfalls. Companies often stumble into several mistakes that can undermine the benefits of outsourcing. Understanding these mistakes is crucial to ensure a successful partnership with Filipino service providers. This article highlights the top five mistakes to avoid when outsourcing to the Philippines, offering insights to help businesses navigate these challenges effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Clearly define your goals and requirements before outsourcing to ensure alignment with your offshore team’s efforts.

  • Manage your in-house team effectively to maintain high standards of accuracy and complement the work of your outsourced team.

  • Establish strong communication channels and provide regular feedback to optimize the performance of your outsourced projects.

  • Engage in proactive project management to monitor progress and review work, avoiding the risks of a ‘set and forget’ approach.

  • Set realistic cost expectations, recognizing that quality work may require appropriate investment, rather than just focusing on cost-cutting.

1. Not Defining Goals and Requirements

Three men having a meeting

When you decide to outsource to the Philippines, clearly defining your goals and requirements is crucial. Without a clear direction, your offshore team may struggle to understand what they are working towards, leading to inefficiencies and dissatisfaction on both sides.

  • Identify the business function you wish to outsource.

  • Determine how outsourcing will benefit your business, whether it’s cost savings, time efficiency, or access to specialized services.

Setting clear expectations and communicating them effectively to your BPO partner is essential for a successful outsourcing relationship.

Ensure that your goals are established before finalizing any contract. This should be part of your initial discussions and solidified in a service-level agreement (SLA). Points to include in your SLA might cover:

  • Service expectations

  • Pricing structures

  • Intellectual property rights

  • Termination clauses

By avoiding the pitfall of entering an agreement without clear expectations, you can prevent unforeseen costs and complications. Take a moment to outline your expectations, deliverables, and performance metrics to ensure a smooth outsourcing journey.

2. Ineffective In-House Team Management

Cartoonish people working in an office

When you outsource to the Philippines, managing your in-house team effectively is crucial to the success of your offshore operations. It’s essential to stay engaged with your offshore staff, as they possess the skills and expertise necessary to contribute to your business. However, if you’re not receiving updates or deliverables, it’s a sign that your management approach may need adjustment.

The best ways to free up your time involve regulating better workplace productivity and finding different strategies to efficiently get work done.

Here are some steps to improve in-house team management:

  1. Perform SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) strategies.

  2. Create criteria for an ideal Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partner.

  3. Launch a proposal call to ensure alignment of goals.

  4. Conduct a cost analysis to balance expenses and quality.

  5. Finalize a service-level agreement that outlines expectations clearly.

Remember, investing in advanced technologies can ramp up efficiency and keep your team ahead of the curve. Traditional tools may be reliable, but embracing next-generation tools can provide a competitive edge.

Staff Size

Action Required

1-2 staff

Monitor closely

3-10 staff

Regular updates

11-20 staff

Strategy reviews

21-50 staff

Efficiency audits

50+ staff

Process overhauls

If expectations are not met, it’s crucial to have open conversations with your outsourcing partner to discuss improvements. Trust your instincts and let your evaluations guide your decisions.

3. Poor Communication and Feedback

An empty office

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful outsourcing partnership, especially when working with teams in the Philippines. Avoid the trap of assuming that no news is good news. Regular feedback is crucial; it helps identify areas that need improvement and reinforces good practices. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Ignoring feedback: It’s tempting to correct mistakes yourself or to move on to the next task without providing feedback. This can lead to repeated errors and ultimately cost you more in time and money.

  • Neglecting relationship building: Establishing a strong rapport with your outsourcing partner is essential. It involves understanding each other’s culture, communication style, and work ethic.

  • Overlooking contract details: Clear agreements on project scope, timelines, and communication protocols are vital to prevent misunderstandings.

Remember, clear communication is not just about talking; it’s about exchanging ideas, expectations, and concerns to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

To ensure efficient communication, consider the following steps:

  1. Leverage technology to facilitate seamless communication.

  2. Align your in-house and outsourced teams’ efforts.

  3. Track the sales processes and provide timely feedback.

  4. Optimize the onboarding process for new team members to get them up to speed quickly.

By focusing on these areas, you can improve your team’s efficiency and avoid the common pitfalls associated with poor communication and feedback.

4. Poor Project Management

A big building

When you outsource to the Philippines, it’s crucial to maintain a strong project management approach. Do not let things run on autopilot; this can lead to a lack of control and miscoordination. You must stay engaged and ensure that you’re receiving regular updates and deliverables. If communication falters, your project could be at risk.

Performance Tracking

To avoid the pitfalls of poor project management, you should:

  • Track performance and monitor milestones

  • Set attainable and measurable goals

  • Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate efficacy

Here’s a simple table to help you monitor project milestones:


Expected Completion





Phase 1


On Track

Phase 2





At Risk

Remember, effective project management is like a roadmap guiding both parties towards outsourcing success. It involves understanding critical aspects such as service-level agreements and intellectual property rights.

Digital Capabilities Assessment

Assessing your vendor’s digital capabilities is also vital. This includes:

  • Evaluating their data security measures

  • Understanding their ability to handle intellectual property issues

By doing so, you mitigate risks and ensure that your sensitive information is protected.

Vendor Support

Lastly, consider how the vendor can support your business beyond the initial scope. Look for opportunities to innovate and keep the vendor committed to your project’s success.

5. Unrealistic Cost Expectations

An empty office

When you decide to outsource to the Philippines, it’s crucial to set realistic cost expectations. Avoid the trap of seeking the cheapest provider as your primary goal. While it’s true that outsourcing can lead to significant savings, it’s a misconception that cost reduction is the sole benefit. Quality should never be sacrificed for the sake of lower expenses.

Consider the following table that outlines the typical cost range for outsourcing to the Philippines:

Staff Type

Monthly Cost USD

Entry Level

$500 – $800

Mid Level

$800 – $1200


$1200 – $1500

Remember, the cheapest option may not always align with your business needs and could lead to subpar results.

Here are some steps to ensure you maintain a balance between cost and quality:

  1. Define clear objectives for outsourcing.

  2. Research and compare different providers.

  3. Evaluate the quality of work alongside the cost.

  4. Consider the long-term value and potential of the partnership.

  5. Stay engaged with your offshore team to monitor progress and quality.

By following these steps, you can avoid the common pitfall of unrealistic cost expectations and establish a successful outsourcing relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common mistakes when outsourcing accounting to the Philippines?

Common mistakes include not defining clear goals and requirements, ineffective in-house team management, poor communication and feedback, inadequate project management, and having unrealistic cost expectations.

How can I ensure effective communication with my outsourced team in the Philippines?

Establish regular communication channels, provide clear instructions, offer constructive feedback, and ensure there’s a mutual understanding of project requirements and updates.

What should I consider before starting to outsource to the Philippines?

Before outsourcing, consider what tasks to outsource, set clear objectives, understand service-level agreements, pricing structures, intellectual property rights, and termination clauses.

Why is project management important when outsourcing?

Effective project management ensures that the outsourced work is on track, meets quality standards, and aligns with your business goals. It also helps in mitigating risks associated with remote work.

Can outsourcing to the Philippines help avoid bookkeeping mistakes?

Yes, outsourcing to skilled professionals in the Philippines can help avoid common bookkeeping mistakes and improve the accuracy and efficiency of your financial operations.

Is it cheaper to outsource tasks to the Philippines?

Outsourcing to the Philippines can be cost-effective, but it’s important to have realistic expectations about costs and to balance them with the quality of work you require.

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